ITS Course “Higher technician for events and entertainment organization in cruise industry

Planned location Taranto Biennium 2024-2026


Territorial declination: ational figure “9.1.4 Higher technician for the management of guest support services”


the year 2023 on the cruise front closed with 13.79 million passengers and over 4,900 ship calls in 61 Italian ports. Puglia is confirmed as the Adriatic “queen”, absorbing 6.6% of passenger movements and 7.2% of national calls. The port of Taranto, in particular, was recognized as the best cruise ship destination of 2022. The stopover bookings by 9 companies for the year 2024 testify to the growing attention by cruise lines – including the luxury sector – to the port of Taranto, a state-of-the-art passenger port and an ideal access point for discovering the attractions of the city and surrounding areas.
The trend towards the expansion of tourist activities related to ports and cruises and the presence of a company that promotes itself in a new and evocative territory, such as that of Taranto, translate into an important need for professionalism. The objective of this ITS course “Higher Technician for Events and Entertainment organization in Cruise Industry” is to train personnel who can work in the field of cruise ship crews with the levels of professionalism necessary to guarantee support for the organization of television and institutional events, fashion shows, conventions and in general of all those forms of entertainment organized on board the ship through the use of technological and digital tools for the management of video, audio, digital formats, etc.

Professional profile

the ITS course “Higher technician for the organization of events and entertainment in the cruise industry” is carried out by the IOTA Foundation in close synergy with the Costa Cruises shipping company. This is a path that responds to the need expressed by the cruise company for human resources capable of managing the technical and digital management aspects related to the entertainment activities that take place on board the ship. Hospitality on structures of excellence, such as cruise ships, also requires specialized knowledge on the best use of technical and digital equipment useful for guaranteeing the different forms of entertainment on board the ship.
In the first year of the course, the profile will develop the technical and transversal skills to be able to exercise the role on board the ship, while in the second year participants will be able to opt for a specialization in the “Broadcasting” Profile, which contributes to the correct maintenance and operation of the on-board television system for guests and crew, and organizes television programming, or in the “Theatre” Profile, in charge of making spectacular the entertainment related to the theatrical activities that take place on board the ship, both through the use of sound-related and lighting equipment.


The ITS course is carried out in partnership with Costa Crociere Spa and aims to provide the skills to:

  • take on operational roles “on board”, know the context of life on board and the organization of the entertainment team
  • operate in compliance with the safety of personnel and the ship according to international standards
  • develop linguistic and intercultural competence in order to allow an autonomous and effective approach to different relational contexts
  • develop soft skills with particular attention to effective communication in interpersonal interactions, teambuilding and communication aspects related to the professional context
  • use the digital and analogue technical systems involved in in-flight entertainment
  • coordinate with the other departments of the ship for the management of the daily activities of entertainment on board and in the creation of content
  • deal with different multimedia formats (video, audio, images)


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